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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Trading rare eyeball hat!

Hey Jammers...
Decided to make a short post on this topic, but I have an unwanted 2011  eyeball hat and I had trouble trading it. It is pink. When I got trades... they were unfair, so I'm going to make a really quick post about it .I would like pink rates for it, particularly one of the rares I lost that went towards my worn blanket back thing. So... pink Fox hat, pink party hat, pink tail armor or pink bubbletron 5000 or any other pink rates, just jam a gram me before the deal. I will then make a decision. What if I don't manage to trade it away? You have until February 25 or the 10th... I will have to decide, but if I still end up with it... I will either do...

  • Keep it... oh well... just save it for Halloween and stuff :D
  •  Give it away in a contest... quite unlikely.
  • Recycle it D:
Not putting a signature at the end of this one, but whatever...


  1. Hey! I have a new years party hat. Please trade it for short rare spike, be much appreciated! Thanks!

    1. Hey, I would like to trade please reply if we got a deal if not I totally understand :) So how about a black jamaaliday bow, a silver spike, and how about glitched lights? -pupcake3838

  2. sorry but thats not even worth a rare spiked collar! party hats are worth betas and rare spikes are worth other rare spikes and non meber headdresses.

  3. I have a rare eyeball hat😄💙

  4. -my aj user is Jellywabbit-
    I have a teal rare eyeball hat i want to know what its worth :D

  5. i have a rare eyeball hat plz trade me fair i am Creammarshmallow1234

  6. can someone trade me a bad non rare spike my list is a beard and eyeball hat A fox hat a rare big bow and another small rare i am Creammarshmallow1234 in animal jam jag me if deal in animal jam

  7. I have a yellow rare eyeball and i was wondering if anyone can tell me what its worth my user is bunnypuff16.Thanks!

  8. i have a green or teal one and the magneta eye! offers?

  9. Im going to do a trade but I don't know if its fair, they are trading a rare eyeball hat I think its white and green/blue not sure.. But Its rare for my Jamaaliday Bow. And I am not sure what its worth. Please let me know as soon as possible If not I might get scammed so please help me. Thank you so much :3

  10. I have 1 that's dark reddish. Can somebody plz tell me what it's worth?
    My username is Buskuta :3

    1. I have the same one ! I really wanna know what it's worth :I
