Other things you can do...

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Cowboy boots!

Today's item goes well with the cowboy hat, and it's new!
Say hello to the cowboy boots, for 400 gems! Can be bought at Jam-mart clothing!

They look really cool, but on some animals... eh....
That's it for now, check out the large collection of posts I made yesterday!


  1. i have the cowboy boots and i do agree,they look too big on some animals,like my artic wolf but when i put them on my horse they look fine

  2. . . . meh, they are not one of my fave items, anyone want mine?

  3. Hah! i forgot, my user is Flyingpegasus96, Jag me offers but i dont have a clue what they are worth. . . OvO
