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Epic Art

On this page I will show my art, or your art! I will display any art I get. To submit your art, email cleverqueenaj@gmail.com with your drawing/s. You can submit as many times as you want! Each entry that gets published (each entry sent, literally!) will get a small prize, so include your Jammer username! Art so far:
I drew  this one using my fat finger.
I drew this in coral canyons. Hopefully they will put this in Jamaa central.
Or this, hopefully. In ever used smudge before so i need to test it.

Art by fathusky:
-claps- Beautiful.
Moon Howling AJ.bmp
Meep :D


  1. I really like the bunny :3 Does your fat finger lady have a name? XD

  2. Thanks :) I'm generally good at art, I just need to show it more. I just started drawing animals but I'm better at people,manga,and still life. And yes, she has a name! I called her Alice.

    1. aww thats sweet ^^ I think I might submit my art! nice fat finger lady! and Alice is an Awesome name!
      ~silentflight (on AJ)

    2. Thanks! I added you on my storage and will add you on my main as well.

    3. yeah I noticed thx for that ^^ I created an email for submitting my art ^^

    4. and I think i might have accedentally unbuddied you... srry for tht =(

  3. I'm going to submit my art in a day or two... I'm just having some trouble with my computer

  4. I just sent my art! yay! I hope you get it soon!

  5. Wow, you're an awesome artist! :D

    1. Thanks, I don't really put much effort into Animals though. Anime anyone?

  6. awesome work all of you -claps- i might try some day though i think i'm bad at art XD

  7. jammers please visit my websight -malenock- it is animaljamworld.simplesite.com thanks!

  8. this is a stupid wired fukin websight for assholes!! so suck ya moms boobs! thids ia just a niggit! so ya! sucking ya moms boobs and having sexy sex nakedly will be way more sexy than going on a way fukin blog page for fucamericans!

  9. Fathusky your drawings are amazing i cant even do that using a mouse LOL

  10. You drew a spictacular bunny ! - brandy24283

  11. I recently got really interested in manga and anime. I was just wondering how long have you been drawing people and manga? I can't draw a simple face or hand for the life of me XP
