Other things you can do...

Bored on AJ? Click here!

Hey Jammers!
Bored on Animal Jam? No problem, here is a list of things you can do, with new ones being added every now and then!

  1. Play Best dressed! Try on items you might not own, and compete against others! Great time killer and a great gem earning tool.
  2. Explore! Just explore the lush nature you might never have noticed before...
  3. Complete your Journey book! If you haven't, look for plants  and Animals and complete your journey book!
  4. Decorate your den! You might have a den that needs decorating, or you want to redecorate an old one. Do it now!
  5. Change your Animals looks! It will make you feel new and fresh.
  6. Get a new pet! You just might need to get a new pet...
  7. Throw a party! What could possibly be more fun?
  8. Attend parties! There might be an item that you need to get, and the party is on right now! Let's go!
  9. Enter a contest! You might win so try hard! 
  10. Help out a new player... It will feel great!
  11. Save up for things, and earn money only by playing sky high. Items+gems! 
  12. Make a music video.
  13. Play a game with a buddy!
  14. Try to spend 15 minutes in Temple of zios.
  15. Host a competition.


  1. OMG thanks so much :3 It is meh, Finnly/Lol4evergirl. I have always been bored on AJ but now I finally have SOMETHING to do! Thanks CleverQueen!

  2. Wow, these are great boredom busters!

  3. Btw, I am thebestcheetah on AJ. Add me if you want!

  4. You know how to make music video? How to make the lyrics / AJ song text just like when the song exactly.. if you understand? Heh..


    1. Well. You can looks at my Youtube MV. Use something like Windows Movie Maker and get lyrics from the song on another tab. Then take photos of you 'saying' each sentence on AJ. (If you are using windows press Ctrl+alt+prtscn and if you are using mac press command+shift+ 3 or 4) Copy it into the video in order and remember to use perfect timing by editing the length of each time frame. Tip: Use a wide array or animation effects for each frame to keep the audience entertained and make sure it suits the sentence. For example, a violent fast sentence should go with a pretty fast and full of movement effect- if ya get me? Good luck :3

  5. Ok nvm about the Animal Jam Music video. I have a new Google account btw.


  6. i'm pretty bored on aj... there is nothing to do... .-.
    also if u guys want to add meh, meh user is random2468 so.... yea,.... ^.^ (user is for aj)

  7. Do you have like, a way to unban people? or just make animal jam answeryour call. please I was banned permanetly.

    1. depends on what you did, i can tell you did something horrible since its permanet.

  8. My AJ account is FluffyFurret, and I'll defiantly try this!Thanks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great suggestions! I'm really liking these. I use AJ as a way to kill time itself, so this is REALLY useful!

  10. this is really helpfull thanks!

  11. Replies
    1. I'm sorry but if you don't have anything once to say, please don't say anything at all! :)

  12. Caila1017 Animal Jam29 December 2013 at 19:47

    How do you make a music video?

  13. Please add me! I'm Wolfheart66223 and I'm hoping we can trade fairly.

  14. I did half of these BUT I AINT HATIN I PROMISE!! I do like all these ideas though! I might redo them just cuz.. hopefully half of u people will also do these ^^ Cool ideas too! I love how my mouse looks too on this Blog :3

  15. I think those are some interesting ideas! I got a kick out of the temple of Zios one..

  16. I live this blog! And the animal jam spirit one. So I decided to make one of my own! Wanna check it out? Click here! --> http://chazmaster3000aj.blogspot.com/?m=1

  17. Link failed. Well just go to te website please :)

  18. Ello everybody! My Account name on AJ is cuteandfluffy1
    my user is so boss right? OK anyway, i wouldn't mind getting a few gifts, im a member and a great friend, funny, and did i mention im a great friend?
    oh wait i did :P

  19. U could also scam ppl it a great pass time

    1. yus :3 and then the people are like oh no my thing and then your like yay a pixelated item and then they cry and then you say crying over pixels... thats stupid :D

  20. Thanks and scamming is a slight, as long as you don't get banned. No convincements but yea. I am not a scammer. In AJ I am prettylightning6788

  21. OMG thx i was rlly board but u help ps my user is Tori36876

  22. Well its a pretty interesting list, but the AJMV is the only thing i wouldn't really approve.We normaly make AJMVs to become popular or noticed amongst jamaa, but i think we can all say that normaly doesnt work if you dont have a keen eye of perfection, or simply no imagonation at all.AJMVs have to be original, possibly songs that are'nt done yet like lenka,falloutboy,birdy,ect. Just anything you like! You can make a list of your favorite songs by just listening to a favorite station on pandora, then go on youtube and see if they are made in AJMVs or not.I just think,well, say you watch one of julian2's AJMVs that you REALLY like and you want to be JUST like him.This my friend, is being a wannabe.Wannabes,in this case, only make ajmvs EXACTLY like the other person, they dont change anything, they copy everything as close as they can and try to look all famous and tell people to send them stuff cause there 'famous'.No. Besides animaljam, theres other things you can ADD to your channel for people who have other interests then just a kids game.For example, draw,write,sing,lps, anytihng you would like. Im just saying, be smart. Dont be a wannabe.(Dont copywrite other jammers ajmvs/songs/ect cause you CAN go to jail for that depending on how original the video is.

    1. its not a kids game it just turned into a weird grownup teen whatever not kids game inappropriate fighting game so :3 and also i gonna make a ajmv on let it go or dark horse i dont know :D

  23. can u come to my blog its called animaljampaws and its says anonymous on the website okie?

  24. diud u know there is number called googol? 84 by: smart parrot

  25. thanks it was really helpful!

  26. Wow, now these are some good ideas. I like the help out a new jammer one, it always does feel good to help someone out! beagles579

  27. hai ppl
    great ideas,
    my user is grizzlyzoe
    plz buddy me

  28. wow i've seen this on another site and its not helpful at all so yea -_-

  29. Thx so much I have absolutely NOTHING to do these days c:

  30. thx these are great plz add these accounts moml890 20diamonds50million cutecute12341 dretose smarty22mlg socool23456 twinklebunny234

  31. What I do on AJ when I'm bored is log on to my storage account, go through my items, log out, then do something fun thats not AJ (but AJ is my fave thing to do)
